Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Staying warm and Stitching

 "Baked Goods" by Little House Needleworks
32ct Pecan Butter Lakeside Linens
Suggested threads.

Hello bloggers and Welcome. So far I have been ill all of 2013... I still have the cold part. I'm really feeling much better but still it's taking forever for the coughing to stop. And its been sooooo cold here in Antioch. We are not use to these temperatures of high 20's and low 30's. Burr. But today we did have sun. I have been staying indoors & keeping warm and stitching. 
Starting the new year,  I started and finished Baked Goods by LHN. I've been working on smalls mostly so far. I've also been watching Nicola's Scarlet Letter Year blogs (both 1 & 2). It's been amazing to see which chart everyone selected and to get to see their starts. No,  so far I am not participating. But I sure have loved all the posts:) When I see their pictures of starts (especially the colors) - they look so much more beautiful than the small photos of the charts for sale. So I've been going back and forth from Nicola's blogs to The Scarlet Letter website.. Have you noticed this too? Oh to get to see the samplers  being stitched? WOW!!!

 "Happy Elf Cake" by Brookes Books Publishing
2011 Christmas Ornaments JCS magazine
14ct plastic canvas - Threads: a variety of what I had on hand:)

Happy Elf Cake ornament I stitched Nov 2011. But I had not done any of the backstitching, beading or holly leaves & ribbons. It took me over 4 hours to finish it. The chart calls for perforated 14ct paper. I used the plastic canvas because that's all Michael's had. There is no way I could of stitched this on 14ct paper - it would of ripped on me for sure. I used 3 threads over one. Boy I don't know if I will stitch again on plastic. It hurts my fingers pushing the needle thru all the thickness of threads. But OH YES this was soo cute I had to make one. You can click on the picture for a closer look if you like. My mom did get to see this back then and she loved the Elf Cake:)

 "Santa's House" and "Poisettia House" 
by Country Cottage Needleworks
32ct Lambswool Jobelan
I am stitching Santa's Village by CCN. I'm participating in the SAL on Vonna's blog "Stitching Santa's Village". I don't know if their are still openings but I believe you can view the blog. I am stitching all the designs on one piece of fabric. There is one new chart per month for this series. So I get to stitch Christmas all year:)

Look at these Beautiful thread Fobs. Lee sent me these as a Christmas present and see the bobbin cards? Lee's husband Paul had made them in November last year. As soon as I opened her gift and saw the bobbin cards I cried....They are soo very special to me, and OH YES I love the Fobs she made me too:) Again you can click on the photo to see the fobs of Lee's beautiful stitching close up.
Thank you so very much Lee, I will  make good use of them.

Wishing you a Very Blessed New Year. With Love and Appreciation  - Annette 


Chris said...

So sorry to hear that you have been fighting the flu or the crud.
You have been doing some wonderful stitching. Your village is looking great. Those fobs are lovely from your friend.
Take care, I hope everything returns to normal soon!

Scrap said...

Wonderful works ! I love santas village !

Jackie's Stitches said...

So sorry to hear you've been ill. I hope you're back to 100% very soon.

Beautiful stitching projects! Love, love, love Santa's village. The colors are so bright and happy. The Elf Cake sounds like a challenge!

I hope it warms up for you soon. We've had warmer than normal temps.

Carol said...

That cold weather surely can't be helping your health, Annette! Hard to believe it is that cool out there in CA!!

Your Baked Goods is so cute--just got this chart myself... Love the little cake and Santa's Village, too.

Feel all better soon :)

Margaret said...

Lovely finishes, and lovely gifts too! I love how the Santa's Village is shaping up!

Tricia said...

Wonderful stitching, Annette! I love seeing your Santa's village come together. It's a perfect match with your candy cane scissors! : ) I hope you'll be feeling all better soon!


gracie said...

Your projects look great. I do hope you will soon feel better. We too are having very cold temps here in Arizona...

Rita said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Beautiful stitching!

I don't have a nearby LNS and, yes, I HAVE noticed that the pictures on the charts and online don't do the samplers justice.

SoCal Debbie said...

Congratulations on your finishes! Baked Goods is so cute! I can see how the plastic canvas wound be tough to stitch. I made one ornament using it. The little extras really make it cute. Santa's Village looks fantastic! You have made the most progress so far of all the stitchers I've seen who are doing it. The thread fobs are great, especially the letter A!

Lee said...

Santas village looks great will look forward to seeing each months additions. Happy stitching

Emma/Itzy said...

Great stitching! Santas village is so sweet :)

P.J. said...

Stay warm. I did a little squeal inside when I saw the Elf Cake. That is so adorable and you did a fantastic job. Feel better soon. You LHN are looking great.

Melissa said...

Lovely stitching, Annette! That Elf Cake looks so cute.

I agree with you about seeing all the lovely stitching on Nicola's SLC site. It's great to finally be able to see the details and colours!

I hope you feel better soon! I hear this virus is nasty. I stayed home today because I started getting a sore throat. Better safe than sorry! Take care!

Linda said...

Congrats on all the finishes Annette. I'm lovin Santa's Village. I will be starting it this month. I am doing 4 on one piece of fabric.


Siobhán said...

Beautiful finishes, Annette! Such fun pieces.

I hope you're feeling better soon! Ireland's hospitals are so overloaded with people with the flu that some of the hospitals are not able to accept new patients! Get better soon!

Dani - tkdchick said...

So sorry to hear you've been ill most of the year so far!

Your finishes are fantastic!!!! What lovely floss tags you've gotten.

Patty C. said...

I hope you are feeling better!

Karoline said...

Hope you get rid of the crud soon

You've had some lovely finishes and the floss tags are gorgeous

Anne said...

Oooh Annette. I sure hope you no longer are sick...now I am :( Lovely stitching! Funny that I'm actually stitching Baked Goods right now!! Love your version of it! Your elf cake is pretty adorable too! Amazing thread fobs from Lee. They are so special!

Nancy M said...

Both finishes are really cute! I've done several Mill Hill kits on plastic instead of the paper,but I've used 2 strands and it looked just fine, it would be hard to use 3! I really like the Santa village series so far, I'm still gonna hold out as long as possible.