Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. There are lots of sales going on. I have been wanting a good light lamp for stitching. I finally got one. Went to JoAnn's looking for DMC threads, because they are on sale this weekend, and saw this OttLite Lamp regularly $69.99 marked on clearance for $19.97. I couldn't believe it. I've been eanting a floor lamp but this fit better in my budget. I selected my threads and took this lamp up to the counter to pay. I love coupons. Yes I had my JoAnn coupons with me and I have their app in my cell phone so I also have coupons in my phone. The clerk rung up my order which came to a little over $40 dollars. Then I showed the man I had a coupon for 50% off (good thru last night) so he rings it in and my new total was $26.86. He and I looked at one another, well the coupon got to be applied to the lamp which became $9.98. He said the computer is right. I was thrilled. This is very exciting for me because I don't have very good lighting for stitching in the evening. I usually sit at the kitchen table because we have light right over head. I haven't taken it out of the box YET! But I just had to post first:) Now moving on.......

Yes, I got to hand dye my very first threads. After seeing others post on their blogs how easy it is to over dye DMC floss - I had to give it a try. The photo above shows the threads WET. I had just dyed and rinsed them.

I divided up my threads into groups of greens, pinks, and two other groups I wanted to dye in tan and taupe. I dyed today (this morning) 4 groups, using Rit's liquid dyes of Dark green, tan, taupe and a box of pink. It was very easy and quick. I had rubber gloves, a plastic bowl and a aluminum disposable pan all from dollar tree. I heated some water on the stove and poured the water in the pan in the sink, then added some liquid dye. Swished it around with a plastic spoon, then added my flosses. They turned color very quickly. Took them out, squeezed out the water, rinsed them in cold water in the plastic bowl (just for dyeing purposes only) and added some salt. SO EASY. Then laid them on paper towels on the counter. When I was done with all threads, I took a cookie sheet and lined the pan with wax paper then layered with new dry paper towels and untied the flosses and laid them out to dry.

Here are the threads all dried, well almost dried, still a little damp. I'll let them finish drying over-night. I'll make floss tags tomorrow. I love how they turned out.

This is a scissor fob I made for this months exchange for
EMS Scissor Fob Exchange. The lady I made this for has received it so now its okay for me to post and share with you. Yes she liked it very much.
28ct Lambswool Linen
Design: motifs from "A Stitchers Journey" Blackbird Designs
Threads: Gloriana Silk - Twilight, Weeks Dye Works
and Sampler Threads
Beads: Crystals and mixed pearls

The year 2012 stitched on left side.
I must say I enjoy doing the beading. I have some ideas for Christmas gifts.

I want to send all our men and women who have served and are serving our country, my heartfelt thanks and blessing's to you. Many of my family members have been and currently are in our Military forces. I'm very proud of all of them.
Thank you for your comments and prayers. Mom is doing good. Yes she sleeps alot and gets tired but is in HAPPY Spirits. Always with my love and appreciation to you - Annette in California
So glad to hear your mom is in happy spirits!
I've not dyed thread but I have dyed yarn - though the base yarn was completely bare of color. It's fun! I love your results!
I love a good bargain and looks like you landed a good one, way to go! I have to say that you are adventurous in dyeing your floss. I would not know what to name all the new colors. Hahaha. But they do look pretty, nice job.
Glad to see your mother is in good spirits, hope she starts to feel stronger soon.
Keep on stitching.
GGRRRRREATTT deal Annette! Good for you. Hooray for your mom, I am glad she rests a lot. What a great lot of floss you made. :)
Good deal on the Ott light. You did an amazing job with the floss ...and love the fob.
Great deal on the Ott lite! I've had one for more than 10 years now and I can't live without it!
Cool dye job!
Don't you love great deals like the one you got on the Ott light, Annette! I just love a bargain... And your floss looks great--I've wanted to try that, but just haven't taken the time...
Hugs to you and your mom--I'm glad she's in good spirits :)
Wow, that is ambitious, dying your own floss, but it turned out beautiful.
Love your fob! One of these days I am going to have to make one of those with the beautiful beads!
What a beautiful fob!
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