My time these days have been greatly spent caring and visiting with my mom. She was hospitalized from last Saturday - Tuesday. Her sugar levels were in the 400's (from chemo) and she needed a blood transfusion. We know now that her levels of sugar will not be stable. We have to treat each number individually. This means checking her blood every 2 hours after she eats. The most challenging part is her levels have been dropping in the night. So that means every few hours we are checking it again. Yes my sister and I are taking turns but we sleep when we can. Right now mom is feeling better because we are consistently on it.
I wish everyone a blessed and great week. With love and appreciation Annette - California
The flatfold from Chris is gorgeous!
Thinking of you and your family. Many hugs.
What a delightful peice Chris has stitched for you.
As always praying for you and your family.
Pretty Annettte. God bless you and your sister for your excellent care for your mother. Hang in there. Prayers sent for you and your family. :)
What a lovely flat fold.....hope your mom is feeling better.
I've just been scrolling through your blog. I will be sending prayers for your mom, your sister and you. Hang in there and make sure to take care of yourself so you can care for your dear mother. I'll be thinking of you all. (Lovely stitching and exchanges too!)
Such a lovely flat fold you get from Chris.
Hope your mom will recouver with the good care from you and your sister Annette,
Hugs, Hetti
I can see why that lovely flat fold from Chris put a smile on your face, Annette...
I'm so glad you and your sister are able to help your mom at this critical time... I know how lucky she must feel to have you both nearby... Thinking of you all...
What a stunning and colorful gift!!! You're so lucky!
What a lovely flat fold from Chris
I'll continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers
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