Friday, January 2, 2015


Happy New Year beautiful stitching friends! The initial's in my title stand for "Debbie's Super Duper Ultimate Crazy January/February Challenge 2015".  This is honoring our late stitching friend Debbie!
I have planned 15 new starts. Not the 31 or 58 projects like Linda or Sharon are so bravely doing.
I want to be able to keep up and not fall behind. The SAL started yesterday Jan 1st.
So here is my first new start and I was able to finish...
"Chicks" by Lizzie Kate
It was a limited edition kit  purchased last year.

I have to say I found myself looking forward to starting this challenge. The fabric came with the chart and there are two little beads that I didn't attach yet. I held off till until I am ready to complete this as a small pillow tuck & for ironing. No melted beads for me - LOL! This was a fun piece to stitch with the spring colors. With my love and appreciation - Annette


Justine said...

That must be the first start and finish of 2015! It's so cute. I'm only doing 15 new starts too. It's enough for me. Look forward to seeing what else you choose.

miek said...

yes, here we go again! it`s a beautiful first stater and i love the fabric. what are you going to make out of it?
greetings miek

miek said...

the word i mend was starter ; -)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

VERY darling start and FINISH! Already :)

Linda said...

Cute start and finish already Annette. Congratulations. I really do think that I should have picked all small ones this year.


Margaret said...

Love that one! I think the key to this SAL is definitely going small. lol!

Tricia said...

Oh, how sweet, Annette! I love it! Great job to already have a finish, too!

Cindy's Stitching said...

Very pretty start. Happy New Year.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Look at you! A finish already! I love the fabric and think it's particularly suited to spring/Easter type designs.

15 new starts sounds like a lot to me! I know you'll finish them up though.

Shebafudge said...

Awww...what a sweet little finish. Love the fabric too. I have a whole metre of this but never know what to use it on. Maybe I should experiment a bit.

Ruth said...

Congrats! A start AND a finish! Excellent work. :)

Happy 2015.

Karyn said...

Happy New Year, Annette!
I love your first start/finish of the New Year..well done my dear! The fabric and floss are just wonderful together...I can feel Spring already...

Frances said...

Very sweet little Lizzie Kate! It will finish up to be really cute! It does get you in the mood for Spring!

Barb said...

What a cute design and I love the fabric!!

Lee said...

very pretty will you get the next one done as quick?

Vickie said...

I think this is adorable! Good for you finishing it already!

Miamina said...

I love this, so cute! Well done :)

Emma/Itzy said...

A great start to the SAL - keep it up! x

Brigitte said...

Oh Annette, what a great start of this SAL you had. This is a very cute little piece, and already finished.
I will also be joining this SAL but can't join the group on FB as I'm not on FB. But I will do it my own way and at my own pace.

Loretta said...

What a adorable start (and finish)! Congratulations!!!

Andrea said...

A pretty finish, ready for Spring.