Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thank you! Many photos!

Hello friends! I know it's been awhile since I last posted. I needed time after Nannies passing.

 Thank you Thank you so very much for your condolences and kind heartfelt words.
I had read them at least 2 to 3 times. Your comments really helped me get through each day after Nannie's passing. I am so sorry I didn't answer each of you back but I was so drained emotionally and physically. I know you understand and Thank you again.

I do want to share a bit about Nannies funeral. Nannie was incredibly honored at her funeral.

The pastor who led her services is a mayor of a local town. Nannie's niece Susan Rhode Morris sang 4 songs. Susan is a professional singer (including opera) and yes she has CD's. Everyone was blown away with her beautiful voice. One of the songs she sang was Ava Maria! Her voice touched my soul.  Right before the services she came over to me, my husband and our son Nicholas and told us she was going to be singing right to us. And she did!!!! One of my all time favorite singers is Celine Dion. Susan's voice is more clear, powerful and hits notes that I've never heard Celine do. The whole room at Nannie's funeral was impressed, blown away and loved Susan's singing.
Then towards the end of services my Uncle John (Nannie's only son) spoke. The end of his speech, this is what was so special,  - He said "It's a monumental achievement for someone to live to be 101 years old. I would like you to join me in honoring my mom and give her a standing ovation".  Everyone stood up and applauded Nannie. The applause lasted for at least 3 minutes and it was loud and strong.
It was amazing. I've never heard of anyone applauding someone at a funeral and or during the services. It was extremely special, appropriate and I felt in my heart that it was right and well earned by Nannie.
Nannie was and still is incredibly special to me and will always be in my heart.

Frances surprised me by sending me a beautiful card and included two charts of hearts that I can stitch in remembrance of Nannie!
Thank you sweet Frances I love them!!!

Now looking back when Nannie was ill and we were going over back and forth to see her I had some projects that were already done but was not able to share due to the recipient had not received my package yet. Also I was stitching before and after. There were a few days when I didn't pick up my needle.

 These are gifts I sent to Deborah who was my exchange partner when I participated in Terri's Harvest Fall 2014 exchange.

I made Deborah a pillow. The chart is called "Old Witch Mary quite contrary" by Teresa Murgida of Italy. I purchased her chart on Etsy.

 I also made for Deborah a zipper pouch and needlebook.

 Here's what I got in the mail from the Terri's Harvest Exchange.
Wonderful gifts I received from Dawn.

 Dawn sent me 2 charts, October by Heart in Hand and A Halloween Year August by Homespun Elegance, beautiful variety of threads, fabrics and a set of needles. oooh and candy too! I love everything Dawn, thank you so much!!!

 Here's what Dawn made for me. I love the pumpkin she stitched and how she finished it. Dawn said she learned to do this type of finishing from our wonderful Vonna's tutorials.

 Can you see the pretty beads for feet on the bottom?

 I did finish my ornament - LHN from JCS Christmas issue magazine.

 I've been keeping up stitching on Saturdays with Linda honoring Deborah!!!
Just hadn't posted my progress lately.

 This is a very old project from 2006. It's needlepoint. I just completed it in September. My son kept after me to finish stitching it for years. Finally I took it out, finished stitching and then completed it.

 I also followed Vonna's tutorial on this type of finish. It was a bit tricky because of the shape of the egg and not a box -lol. But I did it. It was Dawn's darling pumpkin finish that inspired me to do this type of finish. Everything is all pinned - no sewing or gluing.

Feels great to have this all done. By the way my son does not care for the fluffy ribbons on top. I told him too bad. I used some silk wired ribbons from my moms stash. So it has some special touches. Oh and I made the cording around the front myself. I'm super pleased how it turned out.
Thank you for your patience and for hanging in there in this looooong post.
There's more for me to share with you of my projects I've made but I am going to have to do another post. I miss all of you and feel like I'm back.
Much love and always my appreciation - Annette


Rowyn said...

Your Nannie's funeral sounds like it was a beautiful and moving celebration of her life.

Lots of lovely stitching photos. I love your egg - what a wonderful finish!

Barb said...

The funeral sounds like an amazing tribute to your Nannie! Lots of very pretty stitching.

Hazel said...

A very fitting tribute to your Nan. Love your finishes Your finishing is excellent. x

Tricia said...

So glad to see your post. {Hugs} Your stitching and gifties are beautiful!

gracie said...

Sounds like Nannie had a wonderful tribute paid to her memory....

Marilyn said...

Glad to see you are back.
What a great tribute to Nannie.
You have some great memories.

Mii Stitch said...

A beautiful post and some great pieces both made and received :)

Jackie's Stitches said...

I've been thinking of you often and so glad to see you post. Sending you a hug!

Your stitching, finishing and sewing just blow me away! The needlepoint is especially wonderful - it's so much more difficult than finishing cross stitch.

Vickie said...

The funeral sounds very wonderful Annette. I am so glad.
Wow! What lovely projects. Your LHN ornament is perfection. That egg! That egg! I say too bad to Nicholas too. ;) Those beautiful bows are just perfect!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Beautiful post Annette. But most importantly what a wonderful tribute to Nannie. Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend. I'm glad you are back. {{Hugs}}

stitchersanon said...

What a lovely funeral, if they are the right words. Sounds like a fantastic tribute for a fantastic person. I love your stitching, it looks like a faberge egg x

Annie said...

Happy to see a post from you.

Beautiful pieces. That needlepoint egg is really special!

Margaret said...

Your Nannie's funeral sounds so wonderful. Having a special and beautiful voice to sing, plus applause for a special person is great. 101 is a great achievement indeed. Love all the exhanges and stitching. Beautiful work as always!

Linda said...

The services sounded wonderful for your Nannie Annette. Awesome gifts and stitching and finishing as always.
Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way.


Hetti said...

Dear Annette, Nannie got a really wonderful farewell from you all. It is such a beautiful memory.
Very nice gifts you send and received in the exchanges, it feels always like birthday :-))
The Egg is so lovely it looks like a real jeweler Egg!!
Hugggs and XXX Hetti

Brigitte said...

Your Nannie's funeral was really special, and seemed to have been a perfect tribute to her life.

You made some wonderful gifts for the exchange you were in. Such a beautiful pouch and I love the little witch. I think I will have to order some of Teresa's designs from her etsy shop as well.

Shirlee said...

I'm glad that Nannie was honored in such a beautiful way! Your stitching projects are lovely! The LHN design turned out beautifully! Many hugs my friend!

Andrea said...

What a wonderful tribute for your Nannie.
All of your stitching is beautiful The exchanges are great, both what you sent and what you received.

Anonymous said...
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P.J. said...

What a wonderful tribute to your Nannie; very sweet! Your exchanges to and from are very lovely. Great finish on your egg.

Sally said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Nannie. What a beautiful tribute to her.

Lots of lovely exchanges going on.

Anonymous said...
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Beth said...

A very special celebration of a most special woman's life! Wonderful. What a great autumn exchange you participated in.