Thursday, October 2, 2014

In Loving Memory - Nannie

Hello friends!
With a heavy heart - my Nannie 101 yrs old passed away Tuesday Sept 30th just a bit afternoon!
I know you've celebrated with me her 100th and 101st Birthday. You know how much I loved her and shared with you through my previous posts. Oh my Nannie was still having every thing her way up till she passed. She was sooooooo strong. Hard right now for me to write this. I know she had an incredible, wonderful long life. BUT you see if I could have had her for another 20 years with her being in good health - I would....

This beautiful photo was taken by my Aunt. The sun was setting in the backyard yesterday at Nannie's house. The chair was right there and if you can see the tiny pine tree right next to it - Nannie planted it as a tiny tiny sprig from the mountains. She had picked it and brought it home with her.
IT's amazing how she got it to grow and she was an AMAZING woman!
With my love and appreciation - Annette


Chris said...

Dear Annette,
I am so sorry for you and your family's loss.
Sending thoughts and condolences your way.

Andrea said...

So sorry to hear this Annette. Love and ((hugs)) to you at this sad time.

Jacqueline Morris said...

Sending my best wishes to you and your family at this time..
Hold onto those wonderful happy memories..

Rowyn said...

So sorry to read your news Annette. It is never easy to lose the ones we love, no matter what their age. Sending hugs your way xx

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Oh dear sweet, Annette I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. I know Nannie meant the world to you. She was one super special lady and an inspiration to all of us. Please allow yourself time to grieve and remember all the special wonderful times you shared with Nannie. Love you! Big Hugs!!!

valerie said...

So sorry for your loss, Annette! She sounds like an amazing woman and you were lucky to have the time you did with her. My condolences to you and your family.

Margaret said...

I'm so sorry to hear your Nannie passed away, Annette. I know you will miss this special person. Lots of hugs. I was just thinking about and missing my grandmother the other day.

Marilyn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Nannie.
Sounds like you have some great memories of her.
My condolences.

Beth said...

Very hard to lose a loved one. She sounds as though she was a very special lady.

Lisa V said...

Thinking of you.

Linda said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Annette. Sending hugs and happy memories your way.


Pam in IL said...

Aww, I'm so sorry about Nannie. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Barb said...

I don't think a person is ever ready to loose someone like your Grandmother even at 101. You have my thoughts and sympathy.

Cindy said...

My heart goes out to you. It doesn't matter how long you were blessed to have her, it is still a significant loss. Hugs to you

gracie said...

Sorry for your loss.

CalamityJr said...

I'm so sorry, Annette. Nannie was a very important part of your life, so I look forward to any memories you want to share. Hugs and prayers headed your way!

Hetti said...

Dear Dear Annette, what a sad,sad time for you and your family. Nannie was so loved by you. You could see that she very much enjoyed your love on the pics you showed to us.
Big Hugs and XXXX Hetti

Justine said...

So sorry to hear of your loss Annette. Love and best wishes to you and your family.

Annie said...

I'm very sorry to hear this. My condolences to your and your family.

Natasha said...

sweet and warm thoughts to you. I am sorry to hear about her passing. She sounded like an amzing woman and to live to 101 what an awesome adventure in life she must have had.

((HUGS)) to you and your family

Vickie said...

Oh Annette. I am so sorry. I am praying for you. I prayed for Nannie too. And you know what? I felt so very, very strongly that all is well with her, as I am SURE you know. God bless you.♥

Kathy A. said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Nannies are such special people. I am so glad you got to have her in your life for so long.

Ruth said...

Hugs, dear. Pull those wonderful memories close and hug her through them.

Tricia said...

I'm so sorry, Annette. You enjoyed so many good years and precious memories, and it is hard to lose a loved one. {Hugs!}

Hazel said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. I have enjoyed seeing her pictures. Sending you lots of cyber hugs.x

Emma/Itzy said...

I'm sorry for your loss x

KimM said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Nan. I know there will be a hole in your heart, but know you now have an amazing Guardian Angel watching over you.
Love and hugs

Anne said...

Oh Annie...I'm so sorry to hear of your beloved Nan's passing. She was an amazing woman and will be with you in spirit wherever you are. Sending you love and hugs.

Ellen said...


I'm so very sorry to hear of your beloved grandmother's death. It is very obvious the very special bond the two of you had.

It is never easy to lose anyone you love regardless of their age, and one is never prepared for the loss. May your wonderful memories and the love and prayers of your family and friends keep you strong.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Oh Annette! I'm so sorry to hear of Nannie's passing. I know how much you loved her. She must have been a very special person. 101 years or 50 years, doesn't make it any easier. Thinking of you and your family. Sending you a heartfelt hug.

Terri said...

So sorry for your loss! Hugs and prayers!!

Frances said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your beloved was obvious how much you loved her and she was so lucky to have all of you--and you were lucky to have her for all these years! You're in thoughts and prayers.

Carol said...

Oh, Annette, I am so very sorry to read this... I loved reading your previous posts about your amazing Nannie. She will be so missed... Sending a warm hug and caring thoughts your way.

Brigitte said...

Oh Annette, so sorry to read about your loss. You must terribly miss her.

Sally said...

I am so sorry Annette. Thinking of you and your family.

Hilda said...

Dear Annette,
my sincere condolences to your loss. I am sending the warmest thoughts your way!

Karoline said...

I'm so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

Sharon said...

Dear Annette, so very sorry to hear of your beloved Nannie's passing. My sincerest condolences. Hugs to you!

Parsley said...

I'm really sorry to hear this. HUGS