Friday, August 29, 2014

Earthquake & Stitching News!

Hello friends! First I have a story to share with you.
Sunday night or early Monday morning at 3:20am I was reading Laura Child's book "Sweet Tea Revenge" and had just read a part where a character got spooked and said "Aieee" (talk about timing). I stopped reading and had placed the book on my lap. I noticed I was feeling kind of dizzy. A second later I felt the room sway (only way I can explain it) and then the bed started to shake ever so slightly. I knew we were having a earthquake. And it the shaking got stronger and stronger, my bed now was actually shaking hard (like the beds you could put a quarter in), the doors on our armoire started shaking hard & banging, our hanging light was swinging back and forth. The whole house shook. It lasted what felt like forever but only for about 2 minutes from start to finish.
I got so dang dizzy and the shaking kept up and got even stronger. It was a 6.1 earthquake. Lets just say I have experienced a haunted house for Halloween early. We had no damage. Only a few boxes in the garage were tossed off some shelves and they were empty. Right away I looked up on Google and sure enough that's were I read it was 6.1 and centered in American Canyon, California. I thought oh oh that's not all that far away from us no wonder we felt it so strong. Yes we live in Northern California and American Canyon is only 38 mins away. I can't imagine what the people in Napa, Vallejo  and American Canyon felt were the earthquake had centered & hit -they felt the earthquake the hardest. That was the strongest earthquake we've experienced yet.  I had looked at my clock when I started feeling dizzy and when the earthquake was done shaking my clock said 3:22am.
My only problem was I felt dizzy on and off for the next few days. Feeling much better now. And it was also brought to my attention there have been so many after shocks (over 70 of them). That is probably why I felt the way I did. Not enough for us to really see shaking but when the earthquakes or aftershocks are slight you think your not feeling well. Everyone who I have talked to had awaken and felt this earthquake. Even my 101yr old Nannie. SHE WOKE UP and felt it!!!
Our prayers go out for all the people who were effected by the earthquake.

Okay back to stitching news:

Amy finished her Elizabeth half doll. WOOHOO! Congratulations Amy!!! 
Amy's finish is Gorgeous!!! You can see it HERE.

I received the a sweet RAC from Miek from the Netherlands. I had sent Hetti a RAC and included a package for her sister Miek. And I was so surprised to get a parcel in the mail let alone from sweet Miek!!! WOW!!!

 Miek sent me some beautiful silks that she hand over dyed herself. YES all these skeins you see are all silk!
She learned that I love Christmas colors and pretty blues. I am so looking forward to stitching some Christmas ornaments and certainly will be using these gorgeous threads from Miek:)

 This beautiful biscornu was stitched by Miek and its French flower petals with her own hand dyed silk thread. LOVELY!!! Thank you Miek!!!

 I was so lucky to win Vickie's darling Uncle Sam chart by Bent Creek from her drawing. Vickie also made for me some of her beautiful PINK pins (that I love). Thank you Vickie!!!

 Santa had brought me this chart and linen for Christmas last year and this is my new start!

 Gingerbread Tree Etui by Victoria Sampler Designs
28ct Almond Jazlyn 
(I didn't know what Jazlyn was. It's similar to Lugana)

Started and finished tree #1. There are 4 sides of the tree to be stitched. each side has a different scene. this one is Santa and his reindeer flying over a seaside village with a light house in the background. I need to stitch: backstitch outline, daisy stitches, attach beads and buttons. I am stitching 2 trees on 1 fabric cut. So I will go back and complete after I get tree #2 done:)

Progress on tree #2 of 4. 
I had joined a Harvest Exchange through Terri of Dixie Sampler and have been working on some projects for that exchange. Can't share what I'm making but sure will do so later (after when my exchange person has received her gifts). Our weather has been warm, hot, humid, still and hot again. Oddly enough some people last week had said we had been having earthquake weather. And an earthquake we did have.
Hope your enjoying the last of summer.
Always with my love and Appreciation - Annette


Lee said...

Just love the first part of you tree etui cant wait to see the rest
happy stitching

Marilyn said...

How scary, glad it didn't affect you too much.
What pretty goodies you received.
The Etui will be gorgeous, what a great piece.
Have fun stitching it.

Hazel said...

Beautiful stitching and gifts. Glad you are safe after that scary earthquake! X

Hilda said...

Dear Annette,
wonderful wonderful Chrsitmas-WIP. It looks very interesting, this Gingerbread Tree Etui.

Glad to read that you did not have damages after the earthquake. I have never experienced an earthquake yet (for goodness sake), but your story about it really sounds scary!


P.J. said...

Rock -N- Roll!! Glad all is well at your home. I was living in San Bernadino when the '92 7.3 quake hit in the Mojave Desert. We had a water bed! I got nauseous when I felt the floor ripple roll under my feet; it made my knees buckle. It was definitely frightening.

What sweet gifts and prizes! I love your start on the tree. The whole village is adorable. Happy stitching.

Carol said...

How scary for you, Annette! I can't imagine what it is like to feel an earthquake. I'm so glad you had no damage--it sounds like many Californians weren't so lucky...

Your stitching is so lovely--especially love the Gingerbread tree etui! What a delightful piece this will be when you're all finished :)

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, Annette :)

Margaret said...

I'm glad you are safe and sound and that you suffered no damage. So scary! I've never heard of earthquake weather. Love your RAK -- so lovely! Love your stitching too! Lovely prize from Vickie too!

Mii Stitch said...

Glad you're safe :)
Love that little biscornu on red fabric, it looks lovely!

Vickie said...

So glad you all made it through the earthquake alright.
That etui is awesome!! Love it!
What lovely gifts from Miek.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

I'm so glad you are okay out there! Love all your pretties too. Have a great weekend! Hugs!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I've never felt an earthquake...I bet that is scary! I'm glad you are ok! Your VS start...oh my, stunning!

Tricia said...

I am so glad you are ok, Annette! That would be frightening. Your gifts and stitching are just lovely!

Melissa said...

Glad to hear you are ok. That earthquake looked serious. Thankfully it wasn't right in a heavy urban area.

The RAK and stitching are lovely!

Beth said...

Scary times Annette. Glad you are safe and well. What a wonderful RAK with the lovely silks!

Jackie's Stitches said...

How frightening! I am glad your were awake. I would have been more frightened if I had been sleeping. I'd rather have advances notice like we get with hurricanes.

Your Etui is looking good!

Annie said...

Wow.. you are the only one I 'know personally' who experienced that quake. That must have been so frightening when you can't do anything to make it stop. Glad you are safe and not too much damage.

Miek does do beautiful dying, doesn't she. Have fun with those threads.

That Etui is going to be a stunning piece!

Barb said...

So glad to hear you are safe! That must have been very scary!!!! I love the 4-sided Christmas tree. Can't wait to see how it looks all finished.

Le trame della Galaverna said...

Beautiful stitching and gifts.
Have a great week end .
Ciao Giovanna

Linda said...

Earthquakes are very scary. I've been in a few when I lived down there. Pretty gifts. Your new start is beautiful. I watched another blogger stitch the Etui. It's gorgeous.


Ele said...

Hello Annette,

this is my first visit here on your blog and it's a great pleasure for me to see all your wonderful crafts and embroideries.
Especially the half doll pincushion is so amazing, well done!

Hope you are fine and
have a nice weekend

greetings from Bavaria

Shirlee said...

So very thankful that the earthquake didn't cause any damage at your house & that you are feeling better! Lovely gifts!

Sally said...

What a wonderful RAk from Miek and lovely giveaway win from Vicki.

Love your Christmas WIP.

Glad the earthquake didn't cause any damage. I've only ever had experience of one once and it was very mild ( here in the UK we only get them on very rare occassions) but it was scary!

miek said...

your work is beautiful, i have the gingerbread house from victoria sampler, but i still have to make it. Your work probably will help me to start my own....
i`m glad you like the silk and hope you enjoy it;-). when i heard about the earth quake i did think about you immediately and am pleased to hear you and your family are safe.
greetings miek

Unknown said...

Beautiful stitching, glad you survived the earth quake, how scary

K x x

Furry Bottoms said...

It really is strange how your body is so anchored to the earth that a variation in its usual vibration frequency was felt by you and certainly some other people in the area. Animals are usually aware of something like that coming... I wonder if they bark because the room is moving for them or because they don't feel good, right before a quake. I've ridden a few :)

blue star stitcher said...

I am so glad I don't live somewhere there is earthquakes, I am not sure I could handle it. I have a cousin in Napa who sent me photos of her kitchen, and wow it was a mess after the earthquake. Glad you are safe!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow what a fantastic RAK you've had some great mail days.

I look forward to you putting that Etui together!

Hetti said...

I'm so happy for you that there are no accidents and damage Annette. I think it's been very scarry and I hope you are OK now.
The silks from Miek are very pleasant to work with and she made such a beautiful color combinations.
The etui is gorgeous Annette!Enjoy the stitching,
XXX Hetti

Kaisievic said...

So glad you are okay, Annette. We are lucky here in Melbourne, nowhere near a fault line. Love all of the stitching shown on your blog - everything is so beautiful. Lovely gifts all round. I have the Gingerbread Treee etui, too but I am yet to get around to it! lol!

Brigitte said...

What a scary experience this earthquake was for you and all the people living in that region. Gratefully there wasn't too much damage as we read in the newspapers.

Your new stitching project already looks gorgeous. I'm looking forward to seeing more sides of that lovely tree.