Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Needleroll carrier & Updates!

Hello! It's been so HOT here in the 100's last week. Now July has arrived. Seen so many wonderful patriotic projects on your blogs. Sure makes it exciting knowing that in a few days just about every city will be shooting off "Fireworks" and celebrating our nations Independence Day!
Have some updates to share with you. I've been sewing on the sewing machine and made 3 new can't live with out needlework accessories! And I have 2 stitching updates.

Clare (from New Zealand) had sent me a needle roll. Well that needleroll is full holding many smalls and some not so small samplers. I wanted a larger one. Oh about 1 months ago I walked in to our quilt store downtown and was shopping for fabrics. As always there are some very talented ladies who enjoy to quilt and welcome others to chit chat. So I visited a bit and then I started to leave and saw from the corner of my eye this one lady who had a loooong needle roll carrier. Well right then and there I bought the pattern and some lovely fabric by the French General:)))))) Here's what I made......

 Looks small but this roll is 20" long. I used a PVC - 1 1/2" but with the thickness its actually 1 3/4".
Let's just say it won't collapse. 

 Inside the roll carrier and the pattern displayed. Bernnet (who's the shop owner) designed this lovely chart.
Notice my roll's colors are Red White and Blue? Subtle yet patriotic.

 The French General fabric for the outside.

 The ends of the roll I made yoyo's and added buttons. 
Don't you think that every stitcher needs one of these?

 Before - notice the clips holding the fabric?

 8x11" Q-Snap cover made by ME:) Another must have accessory for Q-Snap frames.

I had seen on a blog where two sides of 8" and two sides of 11" were put together. I had 8x8 covers but none for 8x11. The lady who makes these closed her website. I emailed sweet Debbie ( I knew she would know and she did)  informed me that Christine is now on Facebook and you place your orders there. But I already had bought what I needed & was ready. I made TWO 8x11 Q-Snap covers. I used the same fabric for both so I only photographed one to show you. Came out pretty good. But it's so much easier to order from Christine. I was in a hurry and needed it NOW. The clips were annoying me. Later that evening it was a pleasure to stitch.  

Before (left off in March this year)

And finally I stitched on Fairy Hill - Cut Thru Bothy Threads.

 Close up of after:)
Stitched the rest of the tree, wall above the sleeping fairy and her dresses. Also all the back-stitching - from the bathroom items on the left all to the right and below where the fairy is sitting on a swing & Wish List.
SO I am now I get to start page 6 of 9.

Elizabeth pincushion Doll by GPA

My update for my doll project which there are 3 other ladies for our SAL. I took this photo in front of our back sliding door and the spots are on the window shadowing on my linen. But the lighting was good.
Finished the outer border for the dolls skirt. It's about 15" long.

 Close up of border
Amy posted a update on her beautiful progress of Elizabeth HERE and you should see her stumpwork of the castle ( Hampton Court) WOW!!!

Now I need to get prepared for my Nannie's 101 birthday and my sister - both July 4th.
Which means I need to go do some shopping - oh darn. Just heard that we might get some light rain tomorrow morning - crazy weather!!  Thank you for your visit.
Always with my love and my appreciation - Annette


Marilyn said...

What a pretty and useful needleroll!
Fairy Hill is looking good, what an intense piece.
Great start on your Doll also.
Can't wait to see more of this as it progresses.

Lee said...

you did a great job with the fabric roll and well done on all, the progress on your stitching, lovely to see all the photos.

Vickie said...

Wonderful job on the new needleroll. Love that French General. The border looks fabulous for your doll.
Have a wonderful celebration for your sister and Nannie!

Mii Stitch said...

A lovely work on your needleroll!!!

Tricia said...

Good for you, Annette! I really like your needleroll and the q-snap cover is helpful, I'm sure! And you are doing SO well on your stitching, too!!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

It looks great Annette! I've used something similar for my quilt squares but like this one better because it has the PVC inside. I love the fabric you chose for it. Please extend my birthday wishes to Nannie and your sis! Hope your weekend is splendid.

Ellen said...

Wow, Annette! You did it! I knew you would create a beautiful needlework roll, and you did!! Beautiful fabrics indeed.

It sounds like your family has a lot to celebrate this Friday. My cousin's grandson's birthday is also on the 4th, and he loves all the fireworks that happen that day.

gracie said...

I would love to make one...can you send me the shop info so I can contact her? I love your idea for the yo-yo ends. Your stitching projects look wonderful.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Beautiful fabrics--Happy Birthday to your Grandmother and Sister--lots of celebrations for the fourth

Dianne said...

Your needleroll is wonderful, especially your fabric choice! I would love to make one. Could you send me the shop info so I can phone her please?

Happy Birthday to you Grandmother and Sister!

Super start on your doll! I am now inspired to make one as well. Will phone the Attic. I will check your blog often to see your progress.

Margaret said...

Beautiful stitching! I'm so impressed you made that needleroll. Wow!

Barb said...

Such lovely stitching and a very pretty needleroll!

Jackie's Stitches said...

It must be fun to have a birthday on the 4th of July! How sweet for your nana and sister to share it! I hope the weather is good so the party is not interrupted.

You've made great progress on your projects. I really like the way the multicolored thread is stitching up.

Linda said...

Your needleroll is gorgeous Annette. Love the colors in Fairy Hill. You made good progress. I really need to finish the stable. Lovely new start.


Virpi said...

I really like how colourfull that cut thru design is. Lovely stitching.

Brigitte said...

Your needleroll is looking so good. You chose a great fabric for it, I just love the French General fabrics, they always look great no matter what you sew with them. Very creative details that you added to your needleroll.

Now that you show it in your pictures I can see why these q-snap covers are so useful. As I'm an in-hand-stitcher I have never had a q-snap in my hands and have seen them only on pictures but never in real life.

Great progress on your cut-through piece and great start on the doll. Thanks for mentioning other doll stitchers' blogs. It will be interesting to see all the progress pictures on your blogs.

Hilda said...

Your needleroll looks amazing, dear Annette. I have never seen something like that before but I really can imagine how practical this would be for carrying bigger stitching projects. Practical AND beautiful.
Thanks for showing!


Carol said...

Oh, how wonderful that your Nannie will be turning 101 tomorrow, Annette! What a wonderful day :) I know you'll have a very special celebration for both her and your sister...

Your needleroll is so beautiful and the fabrics you've chosen are perfect--what a great idea!

Enjoy your family get-together :)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Great job on the needlework roll! Looks professional!

Your cut through is coming along so nicely and so fun each little section that appears.

Wow I love the colours in the border of the doll pincushion!

SoCal Debbie said...

The needleroll is beautiful! Great job on your Q-snap cover! I added your progress pic to the Bothy Threads Cut Thru' SAL page!

Andrea said...

A beautiful needleroll. Happy Birthday to your Nannie, wow 101years young! :)

Von said...

Nice job on your needle roll carrier, Annette!! Your choice of fabrics is excellent and perfect for July 4. :)

Our temps have been in the high 90s the last few days, but I think 100s are on the way. I'm lucky that I don't have to be out in it, usually.

Barb said...

Are you going to be making your needle roll carrier and selling it? It is so lovely and the fabric it wonderful. Beautiful work.

Shirlee said...

Wonderful stitching my friend : )