Bunny - Bent Creek
35ct Linen, Color Linen - Weeks Dye Works
Threads: WDW -Cocoa & Butter Bean
GA -Antique Rose & Evergreen, DMC
Finished stitching the traveling pattern I received/won from Vickie - A Stitcher's Story. This little guy makes me laugh every time I look at him. So because he makes me smile I wanted to frame him. And boy did I find a great buy. I thought I know because he's so little I'll look at the Dollar Tree for a small frame. Well a few doors down I saw a thrift store and I never go in but I thought I'll just see what they have. And I found this.....35ct Linen, Color Linen - Weeks Dye Works
Threads: WDW -Cocoa & Butter Bean
GA -Antique Rose & Evergreen, DMC

Halloween Sal by Giuseppina Ceraso
Threads: Mascara - WDW and
Here is my part 1 of Halloween SAL. This Free Sal is by Giuseppina (Pina) Ceraso. Total of 4 parts once a month, starting with July 1st. Her blog is in Italian and the information of the sal can be found here. What I do is: go to her blog and copy the email address. Open a new tab. Go to Google. Paste in Google search the address. When it comes up, look below and click "translate this page". Then you can read it in English. To sign up, I sent her a email (in English) requesting to join her sal and I gave her my information. The chart is emailed to me - That's it.Threads: Mascara - WDW and
A funny story. I started stitching this last night. 28ct adia - overdyed by me in Rit - Tan (color was Summer Khaki before) . I started stitching 2 threads over 2. Aren't you suppose to stitch with 2 threads for 28 ct. ? It was looking HUGE. Then I looked back at the chart. I laughed. It's over 1 thread. But I am still using 2 over 1. Now does anyone know if I am to stitch with 1 over 1? My finger is soo sore and tender from shoving the sharp needle thru using the 2 threads. It looks good - yes? I like it but its very painful to stitch. LOL I think it must be my error. Not much experience with stitching over 1. But I do like the design. Just something small and great practice for me stitching over 1. Ann Dale sampler has over one but in 40 ct. Hmm that section to be stitched is a ways off yet.
With Love and Appreciation - Annette in California
Wow! Does your bunny ever look great in that frame Annette! How can you possibly go wrong with that price.
I stitched two threads over one on 32 ct ONCE!! If you have very solid or densely stitched areas, like the hat, then you'll have trouble. Lettering or more open things, I don't think you will. Have a good night.:)
I love a good bargain! The frame you found is perfect for the cute bunny.
I've started the over 1 on Ann. I can't imagine doing it all at once. I'll do it here and there.
Oh I love a good bargain!!! Awesome find! He is a funny bunny. :) I will enjoy watching you work your SAL. Nice hat.
You picked well. the bunny is PERFECT in that frame.
Enjoy the day.
He is just adorable, Annette. I've stitched him myself (three times!!--can't get enough of that little guy. And what a great find in that 75 cent frame--wow!
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