Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Gifts, Updates on SAL's and a BBD Finish!

Hello friends! Today it was HOT - 97 degrees and to be hotter this week.
Been enjoying participating in BBD & By the Bay Needleart SAL's and I have a large finish to share with you. But first I've received some beautiful gifts...

 Lee from New Zealand ( Notes from under the Mountain blog) sent me a small box with some incredible treasures:) Lee made me a Spring ornament for my Spring tree - it's beautiful. Also as you may have seen on Lee's blog she had been stitching some lovely strawberries and I was given one. The needlework that went into to this strawberry is a piece of art. OH MY I LOVE IT! Lee posted how to make one HERE on her other blog.
 Also Lee made 3 more items to go with my Pink Rose stitching necessaries set. As I opened every precious wrapped gift - My soul soared.
If you can see the stitched rose tall piece in the back of the photo - that's a ort holder!! It came wrapped flat and the the bottom lays down then it becomes dimensional. AMAZING! And look at the sweet black box with  a rose on top. And the last piece is a walnut pincushion. Looks like a special piece right from a fairy's house:)  Lee I cherish every stitch and piece you made me - Thank you from my soul! How lucky and spoiled am I? But I'm totally appreciative.

 Here's a closer look at the strawberry and my fairy rose walnut pincushion. By the way 3 of these pieces are hanging on my Spring tree (our son Nicholas said HE wanted to enjoy them and took them and put them right on the tree). My goodness when I showed Nicholas what Lee made me - you should of seen his expressions. You'd thought they were for him. He went crazy - he acted like it was Christmas!!! Love that kid!

 Sweet Ranae (Stitch by Stitch Blog) sent me a Snooty Parrot charm. I had seen her Snooty Parrot scissor fob and asked her where in Hobby Lobby she had found hers. We have a Hobby Lobby here but when I went looking (hunting) they didn't have any. Well Ranae went to her store and sent me one. As soon as I got I pulled out my beads and made it the same day. I cannot tell you how much I have been enjoying my Snooty Parrot fob. It sparkles! Thank you so much again for your kindness Ranae!

 Loose Feathers Summer, Autumn & Winter 2011 BBD  & 32ct Vintage Exampler by Lakeside Linens

 Loved stitching these charts! I made up my own number 4 since I finished it in 2014. The chart showed 2011 - I hope I did the right thing. I wanted the year that I stitched this sampler.

 Mystery SAL 2014 - By the Bay Needleart 
28ct Sand Carolina Linen by Charles Craft
Here's part 1 of Donna's SAL. Part 2 comes out today! I had first stitched the lines white, frogged, then stitched the correct color only to learn one late evening (I was way too tired) I thought it was the wrong color, frogged. Took a break. Next day learned that I had stitched the correct color. sigh.... 
restitched it again. 3rd time's the charm. So far using all the recommend colors. I did order Collards WDW but have not received yet.

 BBD Her Sampler - 1796 SAL    
28ct Sand Carolina Linen by Charles Craft
As soon as the chart was posted on BBD blog HERE on May 4th I started stitching. I finished all the 4 sided stitches on both bands and got as far along on the letter "M". Then I thought I had run out of Grecian Gold thread. Ordered it and the next day found another skein. sigh......

The eyelet stitches on the letter "A" I stitched using Jaded Ivory by The Thread Gatherer Silk. But then thought it might be a bit too light. So the darker eyelets I stitched with DMC 3022. I think I may work with both threads here and there. In person it looks pretty. Difficult to see the beauty in the photo.

The threads that I am using. I made lots of progress a few days while watching (really listening) to the movie Mamma Mia! LOL I think I was stitching to the rhythm of the upbeat songs. I love how this sampler is looking. Hope your all enjoying whatever project your stitching. Thank you for visiting me.
With love and my appreciation - Annette


Anonymous said...

Lovely gifts !

Your BBD finish is gorgeous , I love it !

greetings from Hungary

Marilyn said...

Oh, what great gifts you received!
Everything is so pretty.
Cute Parrot charm also.
Your BB piece is beautiful.
Great progress on your SAL's.
You've been busy!

Lee said...

Glad you like the little pieces.
loved your stitching you are making good progress.

Chris said...

What a great update Annette!
I love your BBD finish. Your 2 SALs are looking great too! I need to get started on the By The Bay one.And as for the package from Lee!! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Shirlee said...

Beautiful gifts Annette! Also love your big finish! Congratulations! Great starts as well : )

Hetti said...

Such a wonderful and lovely gifts from Lee and Ranae, I'll think you deserved it :-))
The Loose Feathers are beautiful stitching in warm Annette.

Maybe I will join the Mystery SAL, but after your last post I grab my materials together to join the Blackbird Designs SAL :-))
Did you crossstitch the second alphabet Annette? Because the 4-sided stitch seems difficult to me, I like this idea too!
The colors are beautiful.
The warmer the weather the more you embroider Annette :-))
From a cold Netherland
XXXX and love, Hetti

Margaret said...

Wow! Such fantastic gifts! Love your BBD finish! Congratulations! Love your By the Bay mystery progress and BBD SAL progress too! (Your son sounds so so sweet!)

CalamityJr said...

What a great post! - Amazing gifts, a beautiful finish (your 2014 looks perfect), gorgeous WIPs... You've been blessed!

Mii Stitch said...

Lovely gifts & a beautiful finish!! Congratulations :)

KimM said...

Whoa! What gorgeous gifts! And beautiful stitching!!!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Wow, Annette, those needles of yours must be smokin' after all the stitchin'! Very nice! Love your sweet gifts too. Especially the rose buds. So pretty!

Tricia said...

What AMAZING gifts and beautiful, beautiful stitching!! I had to laugh that it was going to be 97 there. It made the Christmas countdown on your sidebar very appropriate!! Since it's only 48 here I'm not quite as much in the Christmas spirit as I usually am... although I am going to be starting a Christmas piece of stitching this week! : )

Vickie said...

Beautiful work Annette! How lovely!
Wow! Lee's work is such a treat! I am happy for you. :)

Mary Ann said...

The gifts you received from your friend are gorgeous!! Your finish is beautiful and wonderful progress on the SAL pieces!

Anonymous said...

Love the design.. nice work.. Supervisory Training

Melissa said...

Congrats on the big finish! The colours are scrumptious. You have lots of lovely stitching on the go!

Great gifts from Lee and that snooty parrot is precious!

Enjoy your hot weather! Isn't it crazy this early in the season? We are having warmer temperatures too up here.

dixiesamplar said...

Wow, Annette! You received some beautiful gifts from Lee :-) and I am loving the finishes and WIP pics too!!

Barb said...

Such wonderful gifts. Your BBD design is just beautiful!!

Ranae said...

Lee stitched some beautiful pieces for you
I'm glad you are enjoying that parrot FOB
Your BBD Finnish is gorgeous
Nice SAL pieces
Stay cool!!

Lisa V said...

Love your Blackbird finish. I have always loved this one and hope to one day make a start on it to.

Linda said...

Lovely stitching Annette and congrats on the great finish. Gorgeous gifts. I like your scissor fob.


Andrea said...

Wonderful gifts. Congratulations on a beautiful BBD finish. All of your other WIPs are coming along lovely too.

Carol said...

I can well understand why your heart was soaring while opening Lee's beautiful stitched gifts, Annette! They are incredible. And how sweet of Ranae to send the cute parrot charm.

Great job on your BBD! On to the next big project :)

Brigitte said...

Opening Lee's package must have been like a feast. Her gifts to you are stunning, al pieces of art.
Congratulations on your big finish. It is looking so great. But then that's no wonder as it's a BBD piece, lol. Have fun with your WIPs.

We have heard about all the terrible fires in southern California and the many people who have lost their homes. I hope you are safe and fine where you love.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Wonderful gifts from Lee - I particularly like the collapsable ort holder.

Congrats on your finish! I would have changed the year as well. You've made great progress on your other two projects too.

It's gotten quite hot out there very early this year, hasn't it? I have a feeling we're in for a brutal summer.

Merilde said...

Lovely stitching! I have just started the BBD sampler. It took me three tries to get started - I'm using 32 ct and couldn't decide between using 1 or two threads. So I sympathize with your frogging! Lee's gifts are wonderful. I follow her blog and am always in awe of her stitching.

Karoline said...

Congratulations on finishing the Loose Feathers, it's gorgeous. Your new projects are lovely.

The gifts from Lee are beautiful

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Oh my goodness, those stitched goodies! I looked at how to make the strawberry, there is so much work in such a tiny delicate thing, a real labour of love. She has finished it beautifully.

You have done some beautiful stitching too, lovely work.

Ellen said...

What beautiful gifts you received from Lee. She is so talented, and it is clear that the two of you have a very special friendship. I hope that you all can meet in person one day.

Congrats on your lovely new finish. It looks like you've been stitching up a storm.

SoCal Debbie said...

Congratulations on your amazing finish! The sampler is beautiful! Thanks for the reminder about the By the Bay Mystery SAL. The floss colors you chose for Her Sampler are so pretty!

Lelia said...

Lovely needlework. I need to get moving on the BBD sampler!!! You are ahead of all of us ; )