Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring stitches & 2nd Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway

Spring greetings to you! Welcome to some new followers. 
Sunday was my 2nd year Blog Anniversary! And to celebrate and as a thank you - I am having a giveaway. At the end of this post there's a photo that you can see of what I will be giving away. All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. I will draw a winner Wednesday April 2nd.
I had stitched & sewed a quit a bit but have waited to share with you till the recipients have received their packages.  And I am getting closer but not there yet sharing with you my secret French project:)))) The person has not gotten their parcel yet - should arrive any day now....Oh the waiting LOL.
A few days ago I wanted to dig right in my new Spring stash and stitch something. I pulled "Twilight Pearls Leaf Ball" by Just Nan. OH boy I thought I was already to start. I have the chart, fabrics and what I thought all the threads. When ever I start a new project I read all the instructions first. Okay no problem. Then I went to pull my threads and I didn't see that I needed 3 skeins of Gentle Arts - Grape Leaf. And of course I did't have them.....sigh.... I was so disappointed. Then I thought "Next"!
Here's what I stitched -

Daffodil Run by Just Nan
30ct Woodlawn Linen

  I just love the bunnies in a circular design. And instead of stitching dark green in the  garland around their necks I used Lilac Arbor silk by the Thread Gatherer and changed pick for Strawberries 'n' Cream by Dragonflylotus Designs.

 I had a piece of lavender ribbon that I made work for the edging around the ornament. That's why it's not tightly rusched together. But the color of ribbon was exactly what I wanted.  I think the ribbon came wrapped around one of my gifts I received from Lee. I save all pretty ribbons and try to use them. Don't you too?

 Finally took down our Christmas tree last Saturday. An all time record for leaving the tree up so long. But hey I loved enjoying the lights when it was raining. I think you may recall that I had a  stitchers Christmas tree. Well now I have a stitchers Spring tree. Had to go to Joann's the other day and as I was walking by I saw their spring florals. They were on sale and I had an extra 25% off coupon with on top of the sale price. I only picked out a few bunches of pinks and lavenders. Everyone loves it! Actually the Christmas ornaments are still there but some (the ones I made) are in the back of the tree. So now when I sit and stitch I can still enjoy the all the pretty ornaments I had received.

I love my stitchers Spring tree!! Have you thought about having one yourself? You should:)

 Angel Face Rose - I think!
I have some BLOOMS!!! All the flower photos you will see on this post - I took early this morning while the sun was coming up. Then about 1 hour later - the clouds came and its been raining on and off all day long.

 A RAK I sent to Tricia - The Stamper's Stitches blog. I made the project pouches and needlebook.

 It was so much fun working with bright colors.

 the backs of pouches - I thought the owls were cute! Tricia really likes them.

 maybe this rose is called Angel Face? 

 Same bush but at least I have BLOOMS!!!! How I have been waiting for some roses to bloom - okay any flower that would bloom. FINALLY Spring is here!!!

 Queen Ann's Lace

 name of roses??
 A different red rose bush but again don't recall the name

I had signed up for Terri's Spring exchange. This was my gifts to April of Fabric and Thread and Needles, and Patterns, Oh My blog.  Now I know this was an Spring Exchange. BUT for this exchange we got to fill out a list of favorites: designers, colors, themes etc. I did my best to keep to April's favorites! We didn't have to it was only a a list of suggestions. So one of Aprils fav's was Halloween and her fav colors were Black and purple. So the charts I gave her I thought best fulfilled her list.

I noticed April liked anything primitive. So I stitched some motifs from "Valentines" by Brenda Gervais.
This is a needlebook I made and used some civil war reproduced fabrics.
 One of April's fav designers is The Primitive Hare. I only had one chart from this designer and its an exclusive chart that was included in a packet from 2012 when I donated to "Earthquake Children Victims of Italy".  

 The backing fabric. Oh yes April really liked what I sent her.

Orange Blossoms - our tree is full of them. They smell incredible - our whole backyard is fragrant with them.

Prizes for my giveaway

 I made a medium sized zipper project pouch, needlebook, chart "Topiary in Bloom" by BBD ( it's one of their newest releases), 30ct French Vanilla linen (8x12 inches, linen for the chart) and Cosmo threads.
The Cosmo threads are not the required ones for the chart. The chart asks that you use Gentle Arts Sampler Threads or DMC. I pulled out my GA threads from my English Garden kit. Topiary in Bloom chart uses the exact same colors. So I took my threads down to my quilt store and matched up the colors to Cosmo brand. They look amazing. I will be including a little converstion for this chart that I typed up so the winner will know what Cosmo thread to use for the GA thread instead.    If you would like to be entered for my giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this post. I will draw a winner on Wednesday April 2.
Thank you for your visit.  With Love and Appreciation - Annette


Christine said...

Happy Blogoversary!
I love the JN ornament, the bunnies are just adorable. I enjoyed seeing all your garden pictures too. It will be months before we have roses.

Lisa V said...

I'm loving your project pouches and matching needlebooks Annette.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway please, thanks for the opportunity.

Marilyn said...

What great projects and goodies!
The Roses are just beautiful.
Happy Blogoversary!
Please enter me in the drawing.

Lee said...

Happy anniversary how quickly the two years have gone by... so glad you joined the world of blogging.

Julie said...

Happy Blogoversary.
You have been busy making some lovely projects.
Your garden must be smelling lovely with all those gorgeous flowers.

P.J. said...

Happy Blogaversary! Your roses are beautiful. I really enjoyed the picture walk through your garden. I don't think spring will be here until May. ;) Your exchanges and give-a-way are creative and most generous. Keep on stitching!

Denise Collins said...

Hello. Your zipper pouches and needle books are so beautifully made. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Love your bunny ornament and changes of thread colours. Denise

gracie said...

First off, Happy #2....and I love the pictures of the flowers. Those bunnies running in circles are adorable. Please do include me in the draw.

denise said...

love the bunny ornie!

Chris said...

Great update Annette! I am so glad that you took the jump and had your stitcher's Xmas tree and now a spring tree! I am looking forward to seeing your Patriotic tree and your fall/Halloween tree :)
What a sweet RAK you sent off.I love the fun owl fabric.
You did a great job with the Just Nan finish, so nice to use the ribbon from Lee.
The exchange pieces that you did are wonderful too.
Congratulations on your 2nd blog anniversary!! Please put my name in the hat!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

OH my I adore your stitchers tree! I used to have a small tree that I tried to fill but....so I do bowls/baskets if I can :)
Your RAK to Tricia is stunning :) those little OWLS so cute! I love me some zippered pouches! And the springtime orange blossoms...ahhhh wish I could smell them, we are still in dark and grey mode (and SNOW!) here...
I would be completely and utterly honored to be entered in your drawing. Thank you so very, very much for offering such a wonderful treat!

Annie said...

Happy Spring, and Happy Blogoversary! I would love to be entered in your contest. Thanks:)

Mii Stitch said...

Happy Blog Anniversary Annette!!
What a fantastic post with all the goodies you've made :) I truly love your RAK with all the owls items, so sweet. Count me in for the giveaway! Have a stitch-tastic day xx

Shebafudge said...

Happy 2 years of blogging!!! I wish I had discovered your blog earlier but at least I had the fun of going back and reading all your posts from the start.

I love all your roses and other flowers. Won't be long until ours start flowering too!

Your Just Nan finish is so adorable! I love the way you ruched the ribbon, so pretty!

I love the zipper pouches and needlebook you made too. The fabric is wonderful - bright, funky and cute.

The idea of a spring tree is lovely too and it looks like you have som pretty designs on the tree. Glad to see those cute little bunnies are front and centre :)

You put together a lovely package for your Spring Exchange partner.

I would love to be entered in your giveaway please. The project pouch and matching needlebook are both gorgeous (as are the other items!)

Happy blogoversary!!!!

rosek1870 said...

Happy Spring and Happy Blogaversary!! I love the pictures!! Snowed here last night so I really needed those roses!! Please enter me in your give-a-way!!!
Thank you,

Jackie's Stitches said...

Orange blossoms is one of my favorite scents. I can remember riding the bus to school and smelling them as there were orange groves that used to be near my parents home (and they had a few trees in their yard too). Your roses are beautiful. My mother tried growing them for several years but they really needed more attention than she could give them. I don't think the soil was suited for them either.

Such lovely stitchy goodies in this post! You're so thoughtful with your exchanges. Happy 2 years sweet Annette!

KimM said...

Wow! Love your pictures - the roses are so beautiful! Congratulations on your second anniversary! I would love to be included in your give away. Thank you -

Mary Ann said...

Happy Blogoversary!! And, what a wonderful giveaway gift! Please include me in the drawing and thank you.

I love your Daffodil Run finish and your Spring tree! And, the photos of your flowers are lovely.

Pamela said...

The JN bunnies are adorable! I loved the way you finished it.
Happy 2nd Blogaversary!!!

Thank you for shaing your beautiful roses AND all your beautiful finishing.
I would love to enter for a chance in your giveaway. Thank you!


Vickie said...

Yay for two years!! Your roses are so lovely! Still snow and ice here.
What fabulous gifts you have given. Your work is so lovely. That Just Nan piece is fantastic! Please include me in the giveaway. Thank you my friend.

Tricia said...

I don't just like them... I LOVE them!!! : ) I haven't even put anything in them yet. I just keep them out to look at!! : ) They are definitely going with me on vacation, though!!

I love your pretty Just Nan design. It looks SO springy! Your giveaway is beautiful. Don't enter me, though. I'd like someone else to be as thrilled as I was!!! : )

Tricia said...

I don't just like them... I LOVE them!!! : ) I haven't even put anything in them yet. I just keep them out to look at!! : ) They are definitely going with me on vacation, though!!

I love your pretty Just Nan design. It looks SO springy! Your giveaway is beautiful. Don't enter me, though. I'd like someone else to be as thrilled as I was!!! : )

Von said...

Congrats on two years blogging!! You got yourself a jam-packed post here, lol.
I'm so jealous of your roses blossoms as it will be another month before I see one here. At least I was able to get the pruning done this week.
Please enter me in your giveaway, as I have greatly appreciated your blog sine I found it not long ago. Thank you. :)

Babs said...

Great job on the project pouch and needlebook. I wished I had more time and space to work on making things like this. Thanks for the offer of a giveaway. That is really sweet.

Denise said...

Happy Blogoversary! What an awesome giveaway! loved all your pictures that you shared with us.

Happy Stitching

Ali said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary, I've only just discovered your blog but wish you many more blogoversaries! I love the little bunny ornament just what's needed to see spring in with. Your gift to your friend was a lovely and thoughtful one and no doubt a delight to receive. I would love to be entered into your drawing.

Phyllis said...

Happy 2nd year blogiversary!
Love the JN bunnies! Your stitching is lovely. Please enter me in your drawing. Thank You!

Melissa said...

Annette, what a great post! I love seeing all the roses blooming (already!) in your garden. But then, you do live in sunny California! They look healthy and gorgeous.

The bunny piece you stitched is so cute and having a Spring tree is a great idea!

Happy 2nd Blogoversary! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!

Rowyn said...

Wow, so much eye candy in this post Annette.

It is so annoying when you go to pull the threads you need for a project and you are missing a few. These days I order the charts and all the necessary threads to get around this.

I love your Daffodil Run. Just Nan does so many lovely designs!

Your needlebooks and pouches are just lovely. That Owl fabric is especially cute.

Your garden is looking amazing. So many blooms.

Congrats on your 2nd blogaversary. Time flies when you are having fun!

Miss Lilly said...

Happy blogoversary!
I love your JN stitch is lovely! The bunnies are so cute :)

Anne said...

Happy Blogoversary Annette!! I'm so glad I found you back when you started :D You have such lovely needlework and sewing projects to show us. Love the Just Nan finish with the ruched ribbon. I save all my ribbons too and reuse them. The Spring tree is fantastic and a great way to showcase your finishes. The exchange looked like it was fun to put together. I was asked but couldn't since I had so little time to stitch...next time! I can't believe you have roses!!! Well, I suppose it is because you are in California :D I would love for my name to be thrown, or gently tossed, into the hat! Hugs!

Justine said...

Happy Blogoversary Annette. I love your spring tree. What a great idea. Your exchanges were lovely. I especially love those project bags and would love the pattern for them if I'm not lucky enough to win. Thank you for sharing.

Linda said...

Adorable finishes Annette. Your flowers are gorgeous. Your spring tree is perfect. My cats would have it destroyed in an hour. lol
I would love to be entered in your giveway. Happy Blogoversary. I love the project bags.


Stitcharoo99 said...

Happy two year anniversary. I like reading your California blog and seeing the flowers! I recently moved to Colorado after being a life time resident of California, love it here too but miss the ocean! Please ent4er me in your giveaway, I really like the use of different threads for the design, colors are beautiful. Thanks. Roo

Barb said...

A post full of wonderful stitching and beautiful flowers!!!

SoCal Debbie said...

Your stitching is so beautiful, Annette! I love the bunnies chasing each other on your ornament. The needlebooks and pouches are amazing! I would love the chance to win your generous prize.

CalamityJr said...

Happy Blogoversary! I'm so thankful for all you share; your lovely stitching inspires me. Your giveaway is so generous, and I don't have one of those lovely project bags, so I'd be thrilled to be a winner!

Missy G. said...

Happy anniversary on your blog! I really enjoy it and love the bunnies. Lovely stitching as usual.

Simply Victoria said...

I so enjoy reading your blog. You're always positive and share such enthusiasm with your great projects and gifts either given or received. Your RAK for Tricia is darling and I love the idea of a spring tree.
Would love a chance at your giveaway.

Margaret said...

This post is so full of loveliness! Beautiful! Love that Just Nan piece and your spring tree! Lovely giveaway too -- wow! happy blogiversary!

Shirlee said...

Your Easter tree is beautiful, your roses are gorgeous, & what fun stitching related things! I really like the bunnies on Daffodil Run & the RAK you sent to Tricia (she's such a sweetie). Your exchange package for April was very much appreciated I'm sure!

Carol said...

I just love Daffodil Run, Annette! I've stitched it, too, but framed it and those little bunnies chasing after one another always make me smile. I like that pretty purple ribbon (yes, I'm another who keeps each and every scrap of ribbon--you just never know when you'll need them, do you?).

Love your flowers, too... It will be a long time 'til we see any here in Pennsylvania I fear. The hard winter has set us all back.

Happy Blogoversary and I would love to enter your giveaway--such pretty gifts you've included :)

Stitching Noni said...

Love your finish on Daffodil Run. It is such a lovely design and looks really pretty the way that you finished it :o)
Your roses are so beautiful! I love roses... there is nothing nicer than a houseful of home grown roses - the smell is divine!
Your givaeway prize is lovely and I would love to be included in the draw :o) Thank you x

Brigitte said...

I can't tell you how long I was looking at all these wonderful flowers that you have in your garden. You live in a great place where spring is very friendly to you :)

Daffodil Run matches the flower pictures very well, it's such a lovely stitched piece and you finished it very creatively. Yes, I also keep all the ribbons from gifts and I usually also keep lovely papers for scrapbooking.

What a wonderful exchnage package you got together for April. She must have been thrilled by all the goodies and the beautiful stitched piece.

Please, don't include me in your give-away. Not that I don't like what you offer, no, but I always have lots of trouble with customs when I receive a package from overseas.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Wow, two years already? I remember that very first night you were trying to get your blog set up! My how time flies! Congratulations, dear friend. With hugs!

Andrea said...

Such a wonderful post. Happy Blogoversary!

Your JN piece is lovely. The ribbon matches perfectly. I too save the ribbon ... even the bits you get on your clothing for hanging ... in the ribbon box they go! Your RAKS and gifts are beautiful, I'm sure they were very well received.

Karen said...

Pretty pictures of roses! Really brightens up my day. And yes, I would love to enter this giveaway!

bn100 said...

Happy blogoversary!
These look nice

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Karoline said...

Happy Blogoversary!

All your finishes are gorgeous, I love the Just Nan.

I would love to enter your giveaway

Merilde said...

Hi Annette, I found your blog through Lee's and have been enjoying your lovely stitching. I am envious of your roses - we still have snow on the ground in NH. I would love to be entered in your generous giveaway. I love the project bags!
Thank you, Lori

Teresa S. said...

I can't believe it has been 2 years already! Congrats! Your exchange looks wonderful! I have tried to make a project bag and I'm embarrassed to say it was a failure :( Yours look great!

So please put me in your drawing, maybe I'll get lucky :)

Giovanna said...

What wonderful finishes - well done on everything! I'd love to be included in your draw, please. Thanks for the opportunity, and Happy Blogoversary.

~Narita said...

WOW! I don't even know where to start on this comment. I love the bunnies and I love the finishing you did. (I've been intimidated with rusching --however its spelled! lol)
and your garden is lovely. Roses are one of my favorites.
The book you made is amazing! I want to know how to do that...
Your project pouches, awesome. I've been thinking of trying to figure that out, too. I procrastinate zippers...
I need to not!!!!!!
We should so get together one of these days, we would have a great time.
Hugs to you, Luv!

Pamela said...

Happy Blogaversary! I love your beautiful and delicate creations! Thank you for sharing.

Catherine said...

Such a sweet bunny finish!! Love all the goodies ~ you certainly have been a busy bee!! Sorry I missed the giveaway chance ~ maybe next time ~ congrats on your Blogaversary!