Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy 1st Year Blog Anniversary to ME:) & Giveaway

Hello and early Happy Easter to Everyone! Today - March 27th (it is for me till I go to bed), I started my blog. With the help of many of you, you were very kind to me & helped me learn the how to's of blogging. I am still learning - lol. I so enjoy blogging and meeting new friends. Thank you.
 I want to celebrate with a giveaway. All you have to do is be a follower on my blog and leave a comment on this post. That's it:) I will draw a winner on April 12th. I decided on this date, due to Easter, and many of us are the cooks:) Lots to do and prepare for. I am not even close to being ready.

 Gifts for of my 1st Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway

The gifts are: a project pouch sewn by me, its 12 1/2" inches wide and 9" inches height (remember the fabrics I added to my stash in a previous post?), Little House Needleworks chart "Around the World in 80 Days", 32ct Flax linen 11" by 11" - yes plenty to stitch this chart, and all the required DMC floss to stitch it. By the way I like to add the felt flowers for decor and its a quick convenient temporary pincushion. I would not recommend that you leave needles or pins in it. Only till you put away your project. Very handy I think:) 

 Last year I came across this darling freebie chart and this year I'm stitching it. When I saw it I cracked up laughing. It just makes me laugh. Too cute.
 This is what it will look like when done. I don't know if I will be done it time but its my goal to finish and I plan to make it into a flatfold (to learn how to make a flatfold -  instructions can be found on fellow stitcher Vonna's blog  HERE).  The freebie chart is by Virginia Knutson. Last year it was on her blog and now I could not find it. But she does have lots of darling freebie charts listed on the right side of her blog. HERE. I had found her thru EMS forum.

 A total surprise parcel, I received in the mail. It was from new Zealand. My friend Lee sent me this darling box she decorated. I had to get my camera and take photos as I opened it.

 Look at how she beautifully wrapped up the little gifts. 
Can you see the sweet bunny she stitched for me on the notecard?

My jaw dropped open when I unwrapped this amazing retrackable tape measure. And it has a crystal pull and its PINK!!!

These are my Easter trinkets/treasures from Lee.
Thank you so very much Lee. You totally surprised me:)
Love you lots.
Well I wish you a very beautiful weekend with your loved ones. Spring has arrived. I did pick up some plants to add some color for Easter. One yellow Rose plant, 4 stick plants in white and purple/fushia, and 4 impatiens of white and pink:)  Not much has blossomed in our backyard yet. Just lots of green leaves. Please don't forget to leave a commit for my giveaway. 
With Love and My Appreciation - Annette


Lee said...

Congratulations on you blogging anniversary and best wishes for lots of stitching fun in the coming year.
Dont put me in the draw you spoil me enough as it is.

Patty C. said...

Oh My - What a wonderful Giveaway !!!Count Me in
I love all of your Bunny Treasures - Soooo cute !!!!

P.J. said...

All your Easter treats are darling; I agree the decorated carrot is a very cute piece. Happy, happy blogaversary!!! My how time flies! Your give away gift is very generous.

Lisa V said...

Cute little carrot chart, I'm sure it will look great finished as a flatfold.
I would love to be included in your giveaway please, I am already a follower.

Chris said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary! It has been great getting to know you.
Please put my name in the hat for your giveaway.
I love your current Easter stitching. You are close to having it finished in time.
What a lovely surprise from Lee!
Sweet Dreams!

Anonymous said...

What a delightful giveaway, Annette!
More stitching adventures to come~
Please count me in your giveaway! xx

stormybrew57 said...

I have been reading your blog for a year too! Thank You for so much inspiration. Please enter me! Thank You, Beth N.

Giovanna said...

Congrats on your first year of blogging! Thanks for offering this great giveaway. I'd love to be included please :-) What a lovely gift from Lee.

Parsley said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! I happy read and follow and would appreciate an entry.

Love your exchange goodies.

Vickie said...

A wonderful giveaway Annette! You do such fine work on the project pouches.
What treasures from Lee. So pretty. And cute. And pink. ;)

Margaret said...

Happy blogiversary! And thank you for such a lovely giveaway! I'd love to be included! Love the funny carrot bunny. And love your gift from Lee too!

Syd said...

What a great freebie! Love that carrot. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Maud said...

Happy anniversary Annette! I have really enjoyed following your projects all those months. You have great taste and great skills :)

Katie said...

That carrot stitch is cute!

What a wonderful giveaway!! Please count me in, I've been wanting to stitching that chart. :D And the project pouch is adorable!! <3

Deb said...

Congratulations on our blogging anniversary. You have a wonderful giveaway and I'd love a chance. The pouch you made is just beautiful and the chart and threads are wonderful too!!

Your stitched piece is adorable and what wonderful things to receive from your friend. That tape measure is just wonderful!!

Denise said...

Congratulations on your first year anniversary!!! And what a super givaway you are having, please count me in. Your Easter trinkets from Lee are very cute.
Happy Stitching

gracie said...

Happy Anniversary. What a lovely gift from Lee...

Shirlee said...

Happy Anniversary Annette! What great gifts from Lee! Your bunny stitchings are very cute! Please do include me in your anniversary drawing : ) Have a Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

Love your Easter treats, there great. Happy anniversary on your blog. Please include me in your giveaway.

happy easter.


Tricia said...

Such sweet gifts you received! And what a lovely giveaway! I follow you through Google Reader, if that counts! : )

The Stamper's Stitches

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Congrats on your milestone, Annette! I'm proud to say I was one of the first to offer help back in the day. I'm honored to call you friend. Hugs!

Rita E in AZ said...

Happy anniversary and what a wonderful prize for some lucky winner.

Carol said...

Happy 1st Anniversary, Annette!! I still remember when you began blogging a year ago :) What a wonderful giveaway--your bag is fabulous and I would be honored if I were to be the lucky winner of it and the other goodies...

Such a wonderful package from Lee--her work is extraordinary!!

Wishing you a very Happy Easter...

CalamityJr said...

Happy Blogoversary! The save an egg design is so cute; can't wait to see your finish! What lovely gifts and stitching from Lee. Stitchy friends are the best!

Linda said...

Happy one year blogoversary Annette. Your gifts from Lee are beautiful. I love the piece your working on. That is really cute. I would love to be entered in your awesome giveaway.


SoCal Debbie said...

Happy Blogoversary, Annette! What a wonderful prize! I would love a chance to win and stitch this design and store it in the beautiful project pouch!

What a cute Easter design of the decorated carrot. I'm sure you'll finish in time.

The gifts from Lee are incredible! The bunny on the tape measure is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st anniv!

Awesome prize. Count me in.

Thank you soo much.


Pat said...

Congrats on your first year of blogging. May you have many more.

lynda said...

I do enjoy reading your blog and would love to be entered in your giveaway. Thanks so much, and happy first year blogging!

Shaunterria said...

Happy blogversary, and here's to many more! I would like to be entered in your giveaway please :)


Terri Patillo said...

Congrats on your blogaversary!!! I am a follower via Google FC.

Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

Lynn said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. The carrot is very cute. I would love to entered in your giveaway. Thank you.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy 1 year and many more! I've enjoyed your friendship so much sweet Annette!

stitchinpeanut said...

Oh what a wonderful giveaway... Please count me in on this giveaway. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Happy 1st!!!

Ellen said...

Happy Blogoversary! Just found your lovely blog! Love to join your giveaway, thank you for the chance!


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary, Annette! No need to put my name in the draw since i was lucky enought to win the last one (which I love!!!)
What a lovely gift from Lee. The tape measure is adorable!
Happy Easter!

Mary Joan said...

Happy Blogoversary! Doesn't time fly when you are enjoying yourself.
What a generous giveaway. Please put my name in the giveaway. I would love to win as the hot air balloon reminds me of a birthday surprise I had of a trip in one. I was so excited and loved every second of the journey. It's always a joy to receive something from Lee and the fine detail is exquisite. I just love the bunny tape measure.
Happy Easter.

Verona said...

Happy Blogoversary, Annette and happy easter

Mimiplum said...

Happy bloganniversary and happy easter ! Have a nice day

Kay said...

Happy blogaversary (I often wonder who made up the 'blogaversary' name).
I am already a follower. Thank you for a lovely giveaway, and a Happy Easter to you.

Teresa S. said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary and what a nice surprise package from Lee.

You deserve it!

Your giveaway is so nice. I love the project bag you made. Please throw my name in.

Anne said...

Happy Blogversary!!! :)

Karen said...

Happy Blogaversary!

I just popped over here from your entry on my blog. Lovely to see you.

Please toss my name into the hat for your beautiful giveaway. Love the bag!


Beauty Bonnet said...

Hi Annette,
Happy 1st year Blogaversary! I just discovered your blog and I love the variety of stitching in it!
Thanks also for the links - I've bookmarked them!

best, Tracy

Kate said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary.
Please add my name to your giveaway draw.
I am a follower.

Manka said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary ! Count me in please.

Irina said...

My congratulations on your blog anniversary! I want to try )))

Simply Victoria said...

As a new follower, I'd love to enter your generous giveaway. I love the bag you made!

Anne said...

Happy Blogoversary Annette!! I'm so glad you started blogging and have enjoyed visiting you and seeing all the lovely things you make. Such a sweet gift from Lee. She really is masterful with the needle! Big hugs to you Annette!!

Tanyusha said...

Сongratulations !Please add my name to your giveaway.
I am a follower.

Beaj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shebafudge said...


Happy blogoversary!!

I have just discovered your blog through the Cut Thru SAL. You have some beautiful stitching!

I would love to be entered in your giveaway if that's ok but I have only just become a follower.

I look forward to getting to know you better. xx

Karoline said...

Congratulations on your year of blogging. Please enter me in your giveaway.

That Easter design is very cute & you got some gorgeous gifts from Lee.

Dani - tkdchick said...

I'd love to be added to your giveaway!!!! Happy blogiversary!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your generous giveaway!

Beaj said...

Congratulations Annette,
Continues success stitching and blogging.
Love the goodies from Lee and the tape measure is gorgeous. Got to stitch that carrot, what a hoot.
Please include me in your most generous giveaway and Thanks in advance for your generosity.

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely giveaway and I adore your handmade pouch! Please enter my name in the drawing! I'm now following along!

Happy 1st year of blogging, Annette!

Rowyn said...

Hi Annette, congrats on your first blogaversary. I hope it is the first of many more.

Lee is a very talented needlewoman, and it looks like you hit the jackpot with all those lovely goodies.

Love your save an egg, decorate a carrot piece - very cute!

cerato said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! I would love to enter in your draw.
Hugs from Spain

inga said...

Thank you for the chance at your fabulous candy.